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1-The Treditional Bro Split

Pros: Body parts splits use greater exercise variation to target individual muscles. They’re great for “shocking” muscles into growth due to high localized volume, especially for lifters that typically train using total-body routines. Increased volume and metabolic stress lead to greater hypertrophy than other splits. Just make sure you have a significant training base before jumping in.
Cons: Its difficult to train with heavy multi-joints lifts without some degree of hindered recovery from previous workouts. Make sure your workout nutrition, sleep needs, and other recovery essentials are taken care of. Body-part splits are also time consuming and impractical for busy people. Many body part splits “major in the minors” and are cosmetic based rather than performance based - not the best option for athletes and beginners.



Push/pull splits break ytraining up by movement pattern. The movements on the back of the body are predominantly responsible for pulling actions while the front of the body is responsible for pushing actions. Legs are often paired on "pull" days.
Pros: Push/pull routines are suitable for intermediate to advanced lifters. They're an economical way to train and allow for flexible planning. Moderate frequency of movement is better for skill acquisition than bro splits performed once per week.
Cons: Push/pull splits are of limited use with atheletic populations because they segregate the body by muscles that work together. Push/pull routines are also a bit advanced for beginners who want to maximize their gainz.